CYO Saints Wrestling

WHAT: CYO Saints Wrestling Conditioning

WHO: Boys in Grades 5-8

WHERE: Bishop Dwenger Wrestling Room (Enter from Door #8 near back of main gym)

Our team is comprised of boys in Grades 5-8 from St. Vincent, St. Charles, St. Jude, Our Lady, Most Precious Blood, Queen of Angels, St. John-New Haven and others.  We teach the fundamentals of wrestling and provide the opportunity for your wrestler to compete in matches as a CYO Saint.  The Saints wrestling season formally begins on Jan. 9, and runs through early March.  Practices during the season will be Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 5:30-7pm at the BD Wrestling room.  We wrestle in about dozen match competitions (dual and tournament style) to increase your wrestler’s experience in the sport.  Less experienced wrestlers are paired up with opponents of the same weight and skill level.  For Middle School, there are 17 weight class divisions starting at 75 lbs and run up to heavyweight (<275lbs) so we need all sizes from the smallest to the largest at any skill level.  If you have questions, please contact us.

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